Boy casting his ballot at voting station.

Just in time for Election Day, the verb of the week for second graders in Ms. Egan-Albert’s class was “voting”! In honor of this important word, students researched being a good citizen and related verbs and adjectives - like being respectful and tolerant. 

Then students had a chance to put their vocabulary into action by casting their vote for their favorite cookie. Some "mailed in" their absentee ballot while others went out into  the hallway and waited in line to vote in person. In addition, they called a friend who was absent and could not make it to the polls today so she could cast her vote.  After a long day of anticipation, they graphed the results and then celebrated with the winning tasty treat.  

About keeping the lesson about voting free of current politics, Ms. Egan-Albert said, “I aimed to pass on our school values of being respectful, responsible, and being safe while connecting it to life lessons like being a citizen of the community. As I told the class, ‘My job is not to tell you what to think or how to think. My job is to get you to think and to think about how you think.’”

Students stand in line waiting to vote.                                           Girl casts her ballot in school.    

Boy gives thumbs up to voting.

Boy drops his ballot in makeshift mail box.