Welcome Freshmen

Greetings Parents/Guardians of BHS Freshmen!

We are very excited that your student will be coming to Batavia High School and we look forward to meeting them on our Orientation Day on Thursday, August 31st

The Freshmen Orientation is a student-only function and is designed to welcome and support freshmen; your student will be assigned an Orientation Leader as a guide for this introduction to BHS. The Orientation Leader is a responsible older student who has been selected for being a good role model and a positive leader on our campus. The following is some information to let you know what you and your student can expect at Orientation Day:

  1. Orientation Day at BHS will be on Thursday, August 31st. Students should arrive at the main entrance to the high school by 8:00 AM. Students will be released after lunch, by 12:00 PM.

  1. On the day before orientation, your student will receive a phone call from their Orientation Leader, personally inviting your student to orientation day and giving them details of where to be and what time.

  1. Students should not bring backpacks, purses or similar items as the day is quite active. Please make sure that your student wears comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict movement.

  1. Parents/Guardians can drop off their students using the BHS main drop-off loop or parking lot.

  1. Towards the end of orientation, students will receive their chromebook for the 2023-2024 school year. Students who still have their chromebook from the prior school year need to bring it to Orientation to return. 

  1. As we encourage and invite all Freshmen to be actively engaged during the event, cell phone use will be restricted on this day.

This is a student-only function so we encourage you to let your child attend on their own. If your student is eligible for bussing, someone from STA will contact you by telephone to inform you of pick-up time on the morning of August 31st, 2023.

We look forward to meeting your student on Freshmen Orientation Day!


BHS Assistant Principals

Omar Hussain & Jessica Korzelius