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Jaclyn Steidle
Art Teacher
585-343-2480 x 3000
Abigail Stendts
School Counselor
585-343-2480 x. 3002
Loretta Stratton
Teacher AIde
585-343-2480 x3000
Connor Sullivan
Social Studies Teacher
585-343-2480 x 3000
Ryan Suozzi
Custodial Worker
585-343-2480 x 3004
Michelle Sutton
Special Education Teacher
585-343-2480 x3000
Wanda Swanson
585-343-2480 x3000
Charlene Symula
Special Education Teacher
585-343-2480 x3000
Richard Tamfer
Custodial Worker
585-343-2480 x3004
Meaghan Tederous
English Language Arts Teacher
585-343-2480 x3000
Lonna Thigpen
Teacher Aide
585-343-2480 x 3000
Mariah Vazquez
Teacher Aide
585-343-2480 x 3000
Elizabeth Volpe
Elementary Teacher
585-343-2480 x 3000
Maggie Warren
Music Teacher
585-343-2480 x 3000
Courtney Webster
Science Teacher
585-343-2480 x 3000
Deborah Weiler
Food Service Helper
585-343-2480 x. 3000
John Weis
School Security Aide
585-343-2480 x3016
Tammy Wiedrich
Elementary Teacher
585-343-2480 x3000
Allyson Wilkinson
English Language Arts Teacher
585-343-2480 x3000
Sean Williams
Music Teacher
585-343-2480 x3000